Ah! Not even 7:00a, and I've already been productive. Made coffee, had a bagel, applied for a job.
Still no leads on TruVote (see below), but it's early, yet.
Web venture is slightly stalled, as the coding guy is busy with pulling someone else's chestnuts out of a fire.
It's foggy here.
Be on the lookout for TRVC™, later. .
sun's coming up in a clear blue sky. Hope you find a job today. Is there a dictionary or thesaurus for blogging? You seem well-versed. Maybe you could create a guide to blogging for rubes like me who don't know what a thread is, much less a link, a bot, and a lot of other terms tossed around in this little world.
Net guides are all over the place, available for free, so that wouldn't pay the bills. The new model is advertising (see righthand column of my blog, for instance). Heck, if you'd just download Firefox and install it from my homepage, I'd make $1! :)
(and seeing as how you're using IE 6.0, you'd be doing yourself a HUGE favor, as well)
Thread: Comments on a blog, under a blog posting. Each posting has its own thread.
Link: Short for hyperlink which is one of these things, here. You click it, it takes you somewhere else on the web.
Bot: A program that runs on the web, generally performing some automated task, like gathering search data, stats, or posting a new open thread to a blog while the blog owner sleeps. .
sun's coming up in a clear blue sky. Hope you find a job today.
Is there a dictionary or thesaurus for blogging? You seem well-versed. Maybe you could create a guide to blogging for rubes like me who don't know what a thread is, much less a link, a bot, and a lot of other terms tossed around in this little world.
broomdude -- Thanks for your support! :)
Net guides are all over the place, available for free, so that wouldn't pay the bills. The new model is advertising (see righthand column of my blog, for instance). Heck, if you'd just download Firefox and install it from my homepage, I'd make $1! :)
(and seeing as how you're using IE 6.0, you'd be doing yourself a HUGE favor, as well)
Thread: Comments on a blog, under a blog posting. Each posting has its own thread.
Link: Short for hyperlink which is one of these things, here. You click it, it takes you somewhere else on the web.
Bot: A program that runs on the web, generally performing some automated task, like gathering search data, stats, or posting a new open thread to a blog while the blog owner sleeps.
Why don't you email Fitrakis? He teaches at Columbus State (rfitraki@cscc.edu).
If that doesn't work, I could probably talk to him myself. I've never met him, but he's a friend of a friend.
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