... looks pissed as
hell! But, he's not -- he just got up, and is stretching. He's already gotten a good whole-beast massage, and is now trouncing up and down the hall, chasing imaginary flagella (or my imaginary dog,
Foofer... who also answers to "Foof," btw).
Cats are great for warmth in the winter! I'm house-sitting and looking after three dogs and a cat, and damned if the kitty isn't a furry hot water bottle with legs! Now, if I can only talk my husband into getting a cat...
charlotte -- It's funny; Curly -- with the exception of the time when ladyfriend spent the night -- goes out of his way not to disturb me while I'm asleep, so he doesn't try to cuddle with me. He maintains a respectful distance until I start to stir, and then, he starts rubbing up against me. He's such an awesome cat.
You pro'ly rolled over on Curly and never knew it. I've never had a cat that didn't want to curl up with a warm body whenever possible.
Ruth -- Unpossible. :) See, I have obstructive sleep apnea, and have had a couple of polysomnograms -- when using CPAP (which is nightly, for the last many years), I hardly move at all in my sleep. I wake up a couple of times each night to switch which side I'm laying on, but that's entirely conscious. No, ol' Curly-Q just stays in his corner of the bed while I sleep. Even when I'm awake, he'll only cuddle with me for 20 mins. or so at a time, preferring to perch his front paws and torso across my thigh as I work on the 'puter. He's not a big cuddle-baby, but he loves to be petted.
Aww... that's so sweet! It sounds like Curly's really attuned to you!
charlotte -- Yeah, it's been that way since Day One, actually. When I went to Happy Tails to check on getting a cat, he immediately started licking me, as soon as I put my hand to the front of the "cage." I thought that was odd -- don't know too many cats that lick people, especially when they haven't even been properly introduced! ;) When the workers let him out, he stayed within a foor or two of me for the rest of the time I was there, checking out all the kitties. He followed me around the room the whole time. That's why I always say, "he picked me." :)
WOW! looks like a clone of my Cat No1!
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