Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Blogger's Syndication Features

I have to admit, even though I've been an Innernets guys since 1989, I don't fully understand the ins-and-outs of RSS. I haven't really tried, to be honest. Still, I wonder how the atom.xml thingie actually works here at Blogger.

Does it only update every couple of hours?

Why do sites (like never have what I'd consider to be the accurate timestamp for my posts? Why would changing time zones in the Blogger settings not affect this?

Anybody wanna help me out with these mysteries?


Anonymous said...

The time discrepancy is most likely because they are using the time that they pulled the feed (which is on a serious delay due to volume) rather than the date/time in your actual feed, but that's just a guess.

Pen Ultimate said...

Hmmmm... could be. Maybe they have their clock out-of-whack, too... since it seems that my posts have a timestamp which is 1+ hour earlier than the time I actually made the post (somewhat frustrating, as it nearly always assures that my posts initially appear "below the fold" in the local aggregator)! ;)

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