Sunday, February 26, 2006

Curly-Eye View

I often mention how ridiculous I think it is that Curly chooses this as one of his favorite perches... presumably so he can be close to me as I play on the 'puter. Picture, if you can, 15lbs. of brown tabby overflowing both sides of this thin edge of upholstered furniture (to give you an idea of scale, the squares in the fabric on the chair are 1").


Anonymous said...

I think he might like the wallpaper on the 'puter. As he should!

Anonymous said...

Sooo...if we were seriously thinking of buying a/some 'puter/s for our home (and we are), and couldn't afford anything other than the stuff your company is practically giving away at the entry level (which would still bury anything we are currently using)...

how could we do it so you could get the cred, m'man?

Seriously. Better you than anyone else.

lemme know

Anonymous said...

I think it's sweet he wants to be close to you.

Pen Ultimate said...

left rev. -- Sent you e-mail, but, the short answer: I was let go in December, along with the rest of my disposable friends.

Sandy-LA 90034 -- You'd love his latest trick, then. In the last week or so, he's been expressing extreme curiosity about where that hand comes from in the mornings to pet him, while I'm still in bed. He's been nosing under the covers, and in the last day or two, he's actually been going all the way in, snuggling up against me, and staying there for some time. He's a funny cat, this one. :)

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