Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Another Close Call

I know I'm on a caffeine-fueled Curly Parade, today... but given that I may be away from the 'puter for the next couple of days, hanging out downtown, you might thank me, later. ;)

Here's the scene: Curly is curled up, feline-fetal position, on the back of the mossy green couch. I'm sitting here at the 'puter, applying for another job. The balcony door is open -- it's about 68F out, today -- and I hear the slightest of sounds on the balcony.

That sound? The sound of a bird, alighting on the railing.

Immediately upon hearing that sound, I glanced over, and saw a dark, furry streak shoot across the 8' of floor between the couch and the open door. In all, i'd say it was 0.2 seconds from the time I heard the sound, to the time I saw another cloud of feathers.



Anonymous said...

...and what weel joo do when the mighty hunter catches one, eh?




Anonymous said...

Put a bell on Curly's collar--at least give the birds a bit of warning...

Pen Ultimate said...

el gato -- Good question. I'm just hoping he doesn't sail over the balcony in whatever attempts he decides to make!

pg -- He does have a bell... mainly to keep him from startling the crap out of me. :) His collar is one of those safety "break-away" jobs, and he's managed to get it hung on something inside on two occasions. Each time, he's snuck up on me, and scared me half to death. :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck. I think lots of us lurkers are wishing all the best for you. And hugs to Curly.

Anonymous said...

"I'm just hoping he doesn't sail over the balcony in whatever attempts he decides to make!"

That's what I had pictured when you mentioned he shot out to the balcony! Glad to hear he restrained himself in time.

By the way, I finally realized I was looking at Curly's large paw next to that feather! Ominous!

Pen Ultimate said...

Sandy-LA 90034 -- I think cats must have an innate sense of gravity/height, else they wouldn't have survived to modern times. :)

And yeah, that's his right rear paw... at 1024x768 resolution, I'd estimate that's actual size. Y'know, I could have told ya it was tarantula fangs, eh? ;)

Anonymous said...

Actual size?!!! Curly, my man, you must be cougar-sized. That poor bird had no chance at all.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I just realized something -- I'm blind as a bat and have to have the screen resolution/font size much larger than most -- so for me, it's probably cougar-sized and for you it's kitty-paw sized.

Pen Ultimate said...

Sandy-LA 90034 -- Heh! Exactly. For photos, it's your screen resolution and overall monitor size that determines how large something in a photo would appear. For reference, Curly's paws are ~1.5" in width. unless he's "stretching" them out. You can get a good idea by looking at any of the pix I have of him on the crazy green checkerboard chair -- the squares in that fabric are exactly 1".

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