Friday, March 24, 2006

Flu-ish Friday Cat Blogging

The lovely and talented Echidne of the Snakes sent me this beautiful card (along with a generous check), titled, "The Cat and Mouse in Partnership from the Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm, 1909," by Arthur Rackham.

I just wanted to share this with everyone, and again thank Echidne and everyone for what can only be termed a true outpouring of gererosity, encouragement and counsel this week. I'll be in touch with each of you, hopefully this weekend.

Right now, I'm huddled in front of the notebook, with the ceramic heater going full blast, fighting off flu-like shivers. However, I'm probably heading back to bed ASAP.


Anonymous said...

How VERY appropriate to your situation! Your pictures of Curly often show him on the balcony!

So sorry you've got the flu! Thank goodness you've started the ball rolling on some of the suggestions -- some of the information may take awhile to return to you anyway, so you can feel rotten more or less in peace (knowing you're safe and secure in your apartment and have food).

Feel better soon. Pet Curly for me.

Anonymous said...

I told you to take care of yourself. What, are you falling down on the job? ;)

Get well soon, Jeffraham. :) Pet Curly for me, too.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are taking a daily vitamin--I like Centrum. I know some people say they are not necessary, but I am a believer, especially at times when you are probably not eating right and are under stress.

Anonymous said...

Jeff--big hugs!

Feel better--snuggling with Curly will help.

A job well done this week.

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