Monday, March 20, 2006

Improving, But Tired

I'm a bit worn down by my interactions with The Machine, but things are looking up. I'll try to post something substantive in the next 24 hours, but right now, I think I just need to go to bed.

Here's some Curly for ya, though -- thanks for lookin' in on me. :)



Anonymous said...

Oh, Jeff, lovely Curly!

Rest well. I'm home, out with head cold today, but back tomorrow. Check will go out to you then.

Let me know when you get it, okay? I'm always paranoid about snail mail.


Anonymous said...

I loves Curly every day!

I can't imagine a Day Without Curly :)

Best of luck. The Machine is horrifically taxing and tiring, but I really believe you'll get some much needed assistance.

Anonymous said...

Was Thinking good thoughts for you and Curly throughout the day. Hope it was productive! Get a good rest.

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