Sunday, March 19, 2006

Life, As I Know It

Tough times, indeed. I've had regular paycheck-gettin' work for only two months out of the last 33. I've burned through my retirement, lost my healthcare coverage, my home, and now, I can't help but wonder if I'm not losing my dignity. Still, I persist.

My landlord's been a great friend -- he even hired me to help him do several months' work on another property he owns, last year, and that took care of a large part of what I owed him in rent, at the time. He didn't have to do that. The fact remains: He needs to be paid -- and Curly and I need a place to stay, if we're to stay together, anyway.

My online friends have been so generous, and I feel not only indebted to them, but a burden to them, as well. I don't want to be a burden on anyone -- not to my landlord, not to the readers of this blog, not to anyone.

So, tonight, I set aside any notion of pride I might have, and I ask for your help, in the following, in order, can you:

1.) Help me find a job in Nashville -- any job. I'm technically adept, and a quick learner -- I've worked with Internet technology since 1989. I love helping people solve technical problems, and I'm pretty good at it. I'll gladly send you a résumé; just e-mail me at the address in the top lefthand corner of the blog. In the two months I was working recently, and earning $12/hour (as a phone sales rep for Dell), I was able to pay down my debt to my landlord at a satisfactory rate, and still live simply, and quite happily. Even at less than that, I think he and I could work out a situation where I might not have to fear becoming homeless, so any help, recommendations or inroads you might have would be most appreciated.

2.) Buy an ad at -- I know it doesn't seem like much, but even a small ad is a lot more than you think. Every ad sold is encouragement for others to buy an ad, and that helps more than it may seem, at first glance.

3.) Click the "Feed Curly" button, above, and give what you can. Honestly, your money's likely to go first and foremost to paying my rent, but I assure you that Curly and I cannot stay together if I can't provide a roof over his furry li'l head.

Thank you for your attention, concern and support.




Anonymous said...

have you tried craig's list? they post new positions every day.

--her eyes

Anonymous said...


Friends don't consider friends a burden. Remember that. We're there for ya.

Anonymous said...


You may feel inundated with suggestions about what to do right now, especially since the Atrios comments last night.

When I was in your same situation not that many years ago, I felt paralyzed and was unable to think clearly enough to find solutions.

A lifelong friend drove 4 hours to visit me and help me stay focused enough to get some help. She even went with me to the local Dept. of Social Services so I could get food stamps and General Relief.

You may need to ask a friend to help you, if you need it.

My thoughts and prayers and tears are with you.

Anonymous said...

JP, What did your landlord tell you today? Do you have a date by which you have to move?


Anonymous said...

Hey, can you put Blogads on this site? I'm not certain how that Google Ad Words thang works, but I'd probably buy an ad here through Blogads (assuming you dont' charge what Atrios charges!)...

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