Monday, March 27, 2006

Monday Curly

SitRep: Nothing too terribly new to report, other than I'm still trying to catch up on all my e-mails, which is proving to be tricky, given that my neighbor's been around an awfully lot more than usual. He unplugs the cable modem if he sees the blinkies going on. His girlfriend doesn't notice/care.

Getting to know the MTA bus system pretty well, though.

I did order a pre-paid cell phone, tonight, just to make the job acquisition effort a little easier.

I ♥ you all -- keep checking back for updates, please.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are going better for you, Jeffraham -- I hope that bout with the flu is just about over. And hug that Curly fella for me, will ya?

Anonymous said...

Cute pic of the Curly-boy!

I have a prepaid phone and they work well - I generally get about a month and half of calls for $25 (I've got Cingular).

Hope you're feeling stronger and that your energy is picking up again.

Anonymous said...

Jeff--glad to hear things are hanging. Hope you're feeling better. Curly, as always, looks happy and awesome :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are moving along for you and that you're feeling better. Keep posting the curly picc--they always put a smile on my face.

Donna Marie

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