Saturday, March 25, 2006

A New Perch

Small spaces, oh yeah -- that's the ticket. This is a large, oak audio/video cabinet that I've pressed into service as a bookshelf/videotape storage unit (I've long since sold all my tweaky Adcom audio gear, etc.).

Speaking of Curly and enclosed spaces, I have to remind myself to immediately shut all closet doors, etc. One day, after not noticing Curly being under foot for some time, I found him crying and scratching at the inside of the bathroom closet door. Yep, I'd come home from the store, toilet paper in tow, and must've left the door open just long enough for him to slip in for an expedition. Fortunately, he wasn't in there for much more than an hour, maybe.


Anonymous said...

My new kitten, Topaz, does that between the front door and the screen door. And she doesn't cry, so... Luckily both times it has happened, I need to open the front door not too much later.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great launching pad! :)

My parents' dog still falls asleep in the downstairs closet, and he's almost 11.

Anonymous said...

Aw, what a good boy!

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