Saturday, March 18, 2006

Priorities, People!

Mining industry fines


Obscenity fines

Yep -- simulated orgies on primetime = $3.6 million. Issues that threaten the lives and safety of coal miners? $5,000. I guess life really does begin at conception and end at birth for some of these fuckwits.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

A $5000 fine, you say. Hmm, that seems awfully reminiscent of another corporate $5K fine given to one of the companies who helped dismantle public transportation systems all across North America. The executives in charge of the decision were fined a princely $1 each (that's not a typo). They were just tryna make a buck, you know.

I'm sorry to hear about your financial situation, as you posted on Eschaton. Take care of yourself. If you lived closer, I'd say you could come crash in my basement for a while. I think Curly and Nero would get along all right, since Nero is so mellow, he makes mellow look uptight. As it is, I think that'd be kind of impractical, no? In any case, I empathise, because I've been there too often.

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