Friday, March 17, 2006

What A Day

Not only do we get Snakes On A Plane, but also Thers & NYMary are proud new parents, again -- this time, to Sean Patrick -- who had the good sense to come out on his own... on St. Patty's Day, even.

And, Dave J. sent me the screen cap I've been wanting for at least a week. :) -->


Anonymous said...

I love that Staples commercial.

Anonymous said...

What a pain in the ass.

Last Saturday night, I got banned in mid-post.

Since there was nothing objectionable in that post, I don't understand why that happened.

I CAN get on Eschaton on my work computer (an iMac), but not at home.

The Atriots have given me all sorts of suggestions...turn stuff off, put it back on, change your IP address, yada yada yada.

Tried it all. Nothing!

I have sent SO many e-mails and have gotten no answer.

I'm really getting pissed off.

Pen Ultimate said...

Terry C -- I wish I could help, but I don't have access to Atrios' administrative tools. He's obviously filtering a range of IP addresses, of which your home ISP falls within the banned range.

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the content of any of your comments. You've just been excluded by (bad) luck-of-the-draw, IP-wise.

At any rate, all I can suggest is that you e-mail him about it. I honestly can't do anything about it. :)

Anonymous said...

Snakes on a plane better be for real.

If it's not legit, I'll make it my mission in life.

I have a vision.

Pen Ultimate said...

Jay C -- The trailer makes me think it's legit, and apparently Samuel L. Jackson has been talking about it for months, and allegedly threatened to sue if they changed the title of the film. :)

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