Oh yes -- spring has arrived, and bird hunting continues long after the sun has set, here in Gnashvegas!
I had a shitty job interview today... one in which I was asked if I had a blog, even, which I denied. It just didn't make sense to own up to something that would likely disqualify me from employment with an obviously conservative company... *sigh* .
Karin -- No biggie. This job just seemed right up my alley (tech support), but the guy I interviewed with was a cold fish, to say the least. It's the first interview I've ever had where they asked if I had a blog, though... strange. .
Sorry to hear that.
Karin -- No biggie. This job just seemed right up my alley (tech support), but the guy I interviewed with was a cold fish, to say the least. It's the first interview I've ever had where they asked if I had a blog, though... strange.
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