Perfect deck weather, eh? Scooterrific™! Well, I'd be scootin'
somewhere, were I not pretty broke (checks are being deposited Monday and Tuesday, it seems), and realizing that I still have a lot of prep work to do for Monday's Vanderbilt debut... such as studying the campus maps, scouting out WiFi locations for my bag lunch, and finding out everything I can about the Peabody College's Office of External Affairs, beforehand.
Curly's lovin' the warm weather, and the open balcony door:

Of course, with the door open, he prefers sitting in the threshhold... naturally. :) I can't get a shot of him that way -- not from the face-front, anyway -- 'cause when I go out, he's got to follow, hence these blurry shots.
JP, goe see this Curlette!
Plum P
Plum P -- I have applied to adopt her!
Thank you! xoxoxoxoxo
I got your holiday greetings, today, too!
super cool! can i be her long-distance godmother then? She's just a feminine version of Curly except the front of her nose is white, perfect for a little girl! Glad i helped. She looks also like she got proper medical treatments and is good to go! I hope Curly will love her. They will make WONDERFUL pictures together for your blog! AHHHHH!
Plum P
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