Monday, December 11, 2006

Federal Cocksuckers Commission

I went. I saw. I spoke to Naomi Judd. She and I were born in the same town. I would drink her younger daughter's bathwater.

I left, 'cause although I signed up to sing, it was going to be 7:30-8:00 before I could speak.

Dark. I'm on a scooter. I have a black leather jacket with a Flaming Thumbtack on it. I ride a Chinese Death Machine.

The applause and standing ovation given to Commissioner Copps' opening remarks gives me hope that my views will be expressed, tonight, though.

More later.


Anonymous said...

im sending you reflectors tonite!!!!! katie

Pen Ultimate said...

katie -- The scoot has reflectors, lights (on ALL the time!) and is bright red. It was a joke.

chez bez said...

You're selling me on this Chinese Death Machine of which you speak. Where do I buy and what exactly do I ask for?

Pen Ultimate said...

La_Poissoniere_Sally -- He's also around from early mornings until noon or so, drunk, usually. I think that's when his shift ends. I rarely see him from noon until early evening, so he must be asleep, then.

It's less Incog, who I can ignore, than those suckered in by him. There are folx who will cut him all manner of slack, simply because they buy into his "I'm oppressed" bullshit.

Chez Bez -- That's the trick! The one guy who was selling this particular brand on eBay apparently pissed someone off, or is no longer in business, but there are others (Tank is one brand... mine's Ymoto, also known as Sunflower in some circles). New, Chinese 150cc scooters can be shipped to your house for ~$1200 total price... some assembly required, but not that much. Out of the box, should get up to 55mph and ~90mpg, depending on riders' weight.

Google around, and if you don't find one, let me know.

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