Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Brittney Asks; I Answer

(dunno why... she's been ignoring me for months!)

"Not nearly enough cat photos."



brittneyg said...

You're back on the aggregator! Yay!!!

Pen Ultimate said...

Indeed (and thanks!)... but I still know diddley about closed caption standards. :( S'ok -- I made my boss forget all about it. :)

Pen Ultimate said...

Oh! And it's got that 11-hour delay thang happenin', of course. At least it's not burying it after eleven hours with the CORRECT posting time...! :)

Lynnster said...

So you're getting the delay too? That's interesting... so it's NOT a WordPress issue after all. Well, I guess it could be a WP issue since NIT switched to WP, except they're on, not, and that's totally different.

Seems to me it's now pinned down to an aggregator issue.

But glad to see you back on the aggregator. Now awaiting this exciting news for this morning, hmmm......

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