Curly IS majestic there -- also, I like the view from the balcony in the picture of LE -- a different vantage point that I don't think you show very often.
Both cats tend to like the northwest corner of the balcony, best -- this was a rare time when L.E. was sitting on the northeast corner... long enough for me to get a snap. :) .
Curly is just majestic on that pic. What a cat!
Curly IS majestic there -- also, I like the view from the balcony in the picture of LE -- a different vantage point that I don't think you show very often.
Awww, handsome, handsome kitty. :)
For a minute I thought Larry Elvis was out in park someplace!
Curly's paws are wonderful!
Both cats tend to like the northwest corner of the balcony, best -- this was a rare time when L.E. was sitting on the northeast corner... long enough for me to get a snap. :)
Nice shot of Curly!
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