Sunday, June 03, 2007

Scooter Musings

Since the Vino 125 deal didn't happen, I'm back to the drawing board.

Sure, I'm still thinking about that Genuine Buddy 125, but the dealer's having to order them now, having sold out of all stock. That means getting to the other side of town twice -- once to lay down a deposit, and again a week or so later to pick up the new Buddy. $3021.77 out-the-door. Dang! For $3K, I'm thinking... "How bad would it be to get a used Honda Reflex (since that's what I really want, anyway)?"

Here's a purty picture of one. I have a line on two, both 2001 models: One has 14K miles, and is only $2250; the other was just listed w/5K miles, @ $3000.

Another party has a 2003 Kymco People 150 (stock photo above; listed one is black) w/750 miles, listed for $2600, but I bet I could negotiate a better price... a brand new one lists at $3199. An odd-looking scooter, fer sure... it's the 16" wheels, I suppose (which offer better stability at higher speeds, so it is claimed)...

The Buddy, I think you've seen... $3022, ouch.

The other "possible" new scooter is this one: The Kymco Agility 125. Only slightly over $2100 out-the-door, but may be several weeks to get it in, according to the local scooter guy. Apparently they're hard to get, right now. Kymco has these assembled in China, but the reports on them are very good, and they carry the Kymco 2-year full warranty.


Anonymous said...

Been watching your transportation saga from afar, JP. Hope you get a good deal soon.

Charlie was asking about another Meetup, since he missed the last one.

Since you are our fearless leader, the Nashvegas Eschatons depend on you.


Anonymous said...

Make sure the Kymco isn't made from melamine. You know how we worry about your safety.

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