Sunday, June 10, 2007

Wonder No More

If you've ever wondered why I keep a pillow in the seat of my comfy, leather office chair, wonder no more.

It's so when L.E. weasels himself behind my butt, and I get up to get coffee, and he decides to stretch out, he can be easily transferred to the nearby armchair. :)


Sandy-LA 90034 said...

This is so typical of cat lovers! We go to great lengths to avoid disturbing our feline royalty any more than necessary -- we lavish such tender concern on them.

You should check out the 922 cats blog -- Lizzy is such a pushover for her gang of 922 cats and kittens:

Sandy-LA 90034 said...

P.S. Jeff -- what do I need to do to get the link to work - sometimes when I paste a link, you can just click on it, but sometimes, like above, it just sits there and you have to copy it to get it to work.

Pen Ultimate said...

Sandy-LA 90034 -- I think it depends on the commenting system. Haloscan auto-converts links that start with http://, whereas with Blogger, you have to use actual HTML, ala:

<a href="">Yahoo</a>

Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Thanks, Jeff! It's been a puzzlement to me, I just never took the time to find out.

Kristina and Ingo said...

Great idea! Might have to implement that one at home to transfer my siamese.

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