Tuesday, October 02, 2007

MCB Responses

Due to the somewhat arbitrary and inconsistent application of the commenting policy at Music City Bloggers, I've decided that it's better for me to comment on things which appear there that are of interest to me here, since here, I know they will not be edited or deleted.

Here's what caught my eye:

So someone’s all “Everyone’s against me! Kat hates me!” yet we’re the ones who need fainting couches?

Yeah. See, I never said what you interpreted my saying, since I think both assertions are wrong, and irrelevant. What I think is that KatCo and Ivy have started this really cool site to keep the old NiT gang together, but it's having its growing pains. As much personal sympathy as I actually have for both ladies' personal challenges with families, health, deaths, overwork, underpay, etc., I have absolutely none for the maternalistic monitoring of comments at the site. That's something they chose to do, and they definitely didn't consult me prior to doing it.

That's not personal -- that's business.

I've been using these here Innertubes since 1989, and I have very little regard for those who can dish it out, yet not take it -- even less regard for those who feel that those types need protection from my tirades. I figure everyone's arms reach the keyboards, and the words represent the thinking of the parties who typed 'em, and as such, can be judged by all and sundry who decide to read them. I mean, getting comments deleted because they contain an accusation of another commenter being "exceedingly silly" is, well, exceedingly silly. As is deleting a reference to a winger cartoonist duo as "fuxandcork'em.com," but maybe that's not safe for work, or something.

Bottom line: At present, I'm not content to comment there, pulling punches in some ingratiating gesture to some pretense of civility, lest I be school marm'd to the commenting cornfield. Fuck that shit! Pabst! Blue! Ribbon!

If I have something to say about what goes on at MCB, I'll say it, here. Oh, definitely, I'll be a religious reader, as I have been from Day One -- I wanna know what's going on in the local blogohood, and that is the place to do it, right now (I can also get a small dose of hyperlocal flavor from Ft. Wayne, IN, and misogynous BlowSmokestan there, as well!). But I prefer my words to remain unspindled, unmutilated and undiluted.

So those will be here, and there you have it.


Andy Axel said...

You *do* know that #9 has been banned from at least 3 public forums for stirring up shit among the membership, don't you? He makes himself a magnet for controversy. And every time, he makes himself out to be a victim.

He's like a pig in shit now because he's found a forum where the putative leadership lean right-glibertarian, and more inclined to groove with his solipsistic approach to, well, everything. There's little mistake that his only other haven is populated by violence addicts.

Let that lying gobshite fucknut be MCB's problem. They deserve him.

Google "the way of the kook." It's instructive.

Pen Ultimate said...

Andy Axel -- Honestly, I don't give a shit. I figure its words can follow it until it gets embarrassed and changes monikers.

Andy Axel said...

The OddInteger saves its most salacious crap for its sock puppets.

Anonymous said...

Andy, it's interesting that you say that the MCB leadership leans right-libertarian. Ivy is more of a leftie for the most part; Kat is more the right-libertarian. But then most the rest of the organizing members of the group tend towards the left: John H, myself, Newscoma, Rachel. Ginger's maybe middle of the road, politically, maybe a bit rightie, maybe a bit leftie, but I guess my point is that it's interesting that there could be this perception that it's a right-dominated leadership when it so definitely isn't.

I think that shows that maybe we're making as much of an effort as we think we are at being balanced, and maybe we're overcompensating.

Either way, interesting food for thought.

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