Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mockingbird Sunday

No, not this kind of Mockingbird, but I do love 'em.

A pair of mockingbirds were going completely apeshit around my balcony, most of the afternoon. This entertained my kittehs no end, but was pretty strange, to say the least.

Here's one, on the neighbor's balcony...

Here's the other, on my balcony, with both cats outside!

Anyway, I went out to return a DVD and grab a few beers, and when I returned, I noticed a baby bird in my breezeway. Aha!

Well, it turns out there were actually two baby mockingbirds, when I came out to transfer them to the yard, where hopefully the parents would find them.

Here's one of 'em, after I put it under the bush in the common area on the north side of the condo. Yes, I used gloves, and was very gentle with them.  :)

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Have you checked on them since you rescued them? You might need to start feeding them with an eye-dropper. (For the future--you needn't use gloves--birds can't smell that humans have touched their babies.)

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