Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Video Message to President Obama



Anonymous said...

Outstanding, Jeff,

(although i was hoping for walk-on parts for C and LE)

B&L (excommunicated from blogger for some reason)

Anonymous said...

Nice use of backlighting... makes 'em think you're a man of mystery!

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Well done! Wish I was rich and could be the first to jump on the band-wagon!

Unfortunately the best I can offer is good wishes - hey, maybe you can use 'cat'ography as a back-up! Your pictures of your housemates are wonderful.

Grannie in Florida

Anonymous said...

Nice work, JP. Two words of advice:

1. Make the "Post a Comment" font bigger. It took me an hour to find it. But I am slow.

2. I've had my own business, and thought often of starting a new one. I'm going to tell you the same thing any decent financial advisor or business advisor or the SBA will tell you. And that is, you need money to start up a business. Probably about twice to three times what your wildest dreams allow you to think you need right now.

It's not very encouraging, I know, but you can't ignore it, either. I suppose if I were you, I'd contact my local SCORE office, or SBA office, and think about a business plan. That will give you some idea of whether or not your business idea has some actual reality behind it.

If it does, start thinking about how to raise money. The folks you know from Atrios/haloscan might actually not be such a bad place to start, actually.

Good luck to you and the kittehs,


Anonymous said...

the stim plan included more money for the sba.

couldn't see. said video no longer available.

ellroon said...

Wonderfully said, JP! Cheering for you from my corner of the blogosphere!

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