Barndog's new kitteh is growin' up:

I thought I’d take a minute and give you an update on how my life is going since I left the farm and moved to the capital city.
As you can see, I’ve grown quite a bit. City livin’ is good! The lady at the medical office who stuck me full of needles told my parents that I needed to be fed canned food. She said it’s highly recommended so I don’t get fat. I know that most cats would be loving all that canned food, and I do, but they give me kitten chow too. I’m trying to figure out why there is such a buffet of food around here. The other cats have food that I love to chow down on, and the dog gets some pretty good eating too. When my mom cooks dinner, I love to sit at her feet, push Eve out of the way, and demand a sample of some of their food. I can’t beg enough for that stuff. If the other animals get some, I think I should have theirs if they can’t eat it fast enough. I like sitting in the big chair with my dad (even if Eve is in his lap). When my dad is eating his dinner, I like to climb right on his plate and join into the fun. Food is very important to me.
When I first got here, I’ll admit I was a little bit of a scaredy-cat-baby, but I’ve learned my way around here pretty good, and I’ve got to tell you, these other cats are not all that tough. I can chase Freckles back into the bedroom with about two good lunges. Eve might be slappin’ me around some when she thinks she can get away with it, but I’m ready to pounce at any moment if she gives me any trouble. I’m still giving her a little of the LeCronier charm, and I expect she’ll be falling for my wooful ways any day now. Back on the farm, the dogs had some guts but this city-fied german shepherd is a real wimp. I used to hiss at her, but now I just give her a good head butt and she’s out of my way.

I still like to sleep right between my mom and my dad. It’s warm and the blankets are soft, and this way I don’t miss anything if one of them gets up in the night. People going to the bathroom is exciting and one day soon, I’m going to actually jump down into that bathtub instead of looking down from the edge. I’m getting much better at chasing go-kat feathers and mouse-on-a-wire. Those sparkly feathered mice that Melissa left here last Christmas were certainly unappreciated until I got here. I could just bang those around the floor and into the walls all night long. I don’t like to be left alone in a room and sometimes when I forget where everyone else is, I cry a little bit until someone finds me. I’d appreciate that not getting around much, just like how I let my mom coddle me like an infant and carry me around like a rag doll. That’s got to stay our secret.
My mom’s hands and arms are tasty and I like to bite them as often as she gives me the chance. Six am is a good time to get a grip on her upper arms, and then she wakes right up. So predictable. I’m a little worried because my mom has been working a lot, and I like it so much better when she just brings work home with her. I’m very supportive of her homework, and I let the project team know this too. They’ve watched my bites out of her papers get bigger and bigger. I like to make sure they are more impressed each time I get the chance.
Well, I’ve got to go. They’ll be making dinner soon and I have a lot of inspecting to do. Let Mittens and Flower know that I still miss them a lot, but this place is pretty exciting. There are people around almost all of the time, and I like meeting new people like their neighbors and friends. Everyone always tells me how cute I am and scratches my head. Who couldn’t love that?
1 comment :
My. That is one talkative little kitty. Cute, too.
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