Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cats Under Couch

I couldn't find 'em, so they were in the last place I looked. :)


dave™© said...

Is this like "Kids in the Hall"?

Adam Hominem said...

I couldn't find my kitteh's for the LONGEST time. Finally the teenage princess clued me in--they have cut a hole in the bottom of the (flimsy) covering on the box spring on her bed and they climb up inside it.


Good luck on the job front, btw!

Tlazolteotl said...

My sister's cats did the same thing, Adam, hiding out under the upholstery of her sectional couch, which she left for me when she and her hubby sold me the house. I had to vacuum for 45 minutes to get the cat hair out of that thing!

Adam Hominem said...


I'm just going to throw the box spring away! There's cat hair, and then there's CAT HAIR, ya know?

Anonymous said...

curly isn't going to appreciate the porn shot.

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