Monday, May 18, 2009

Echo Chamber: Now With Even MORE Echo!

Well, folx, this graphic has finally pushed ol' Rusty ("serr8d" -- clever, typically-winger macho name evoking a bladed weapon -- ooh, how original) off the deep end. He's blocked my ability to comment at, where I used to get my daily quota of pointing and laughing. I still do, actually, but I'll have to share the pointing and laughing over here, from now on, it seems.  :)  That's cool -- it probably needed a wider audience, anyway.

I e-mailed Glen Dean, just to let him know that his ideal of "... a website created by a middle Tennessee political junkie for the purpose of encouraging and promoting the free exchange of ideas among Tennesseans" had been hijacked by an impotent blowhard who's simply frustrated that my blog has no such mission statement, and that I therefore regularly reject his many humorous comments about my cats' litterboxes and my horrible photograpic skills. He's spent many hours combing the net to gather my comments from other sites, and sharing them over there, in a sadly-misguided attempt to shame or intimidate me, but now he'll have to do it without my being able to address it in the same forum.

Brave Sir Rusty!

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