Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's A Very Curly Wednesday

The fat, lovey beast has had mucho attention, today, too. Man, that Furminator has pulled enough fur off of him today to knit several more cats.


Karin said...

Maybe you should put the hair up for sale on Craigslist. Someone may want to knit a shawl. ;)

Anonymous said...

I thought you were tossing that floor mat.
Curly looks cool minus undercoat.


Pen Ultimate said...

mnkid -- I keep forgetting to toss it overboard when I need to ride at night (recall that I was almost kinda-sorta without a scooter there for a while, too). If I toss it overboard during the day, one of the nosy biddies in the complex will complain. Even though I would immediately go down, pick it up, and carry it the rest of the way to the dumpster.

Anonymous said...

You need a distraction. Have a buddy ring their doorbells while you make your move. It will be all "Mission Impossible" drama! ;-)


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