Hope all is well with you. I have been waiting to hear from you. Hope you didn't get too upset with me. I was born & came through the dep ression and Think a lot different than the youmger people. I just don't like what I see happening to our country. We are loosing our freedoms very fast. We just finished our 5th. C/D project. It went really well. Must run for now.....Write soon. Love you buddy, MomMom,
You supported politicians who thought it was okay to spy on American
citizens, even while they SAID it wasn't happening -- I didn't.
You supported politicians who thought it was okay to imprison American
citizens indefinitely, without charge, without trial -- I didn't.
You supported politicians who thought it was perfectly fine to use the
Department of Justice to go after political opponents, and to fire
those in the DoJ who would not go along with that horribly un-American
activity -- I didn't.
I don't think you have a lot of leeway to talk to me about "lost
rights." I would hope you could admit that you don't look into these
"earthly matters" as closely as I do, because your beliefs tell you
that is unnecessary.
I know you don't agree, because of your beliefs. I respect that -- I
really do! -- but I can't pretend that it's in any way rational, or
that it matches up with easily-researched facts.
So your president don't lie ??? I think so....That he bleives in Abortion, gay rights, same sex marriages....etc. (a lot more) Do you really stand for this ???? Do you really ???? I'm not happy with most of them in Washington....They are all money hungry. Guess we will make it though....just readajust. I stand for what is right.... Love you, MomMom,
I didn't say OUR president doesn't lie (yes, he's YOUR president too,
since Texas hasn't seceded YET! ha).
I said you supported politicians who did what I said they did, and
that is true. I won't repeat what I already said, as you have it in
writing, and can re-read it, if need be.
Like most people, I'm sure Obama does lie, at times. So far, he hasn't
lied us into any wars, so I'm willing to give him that much. So far,
I'm pleased at where he seems to be steering the ship of state, and
hope he will continue listening to the people, as he seems to have
been doing, so far. That's his job, and he seems to be doing it
well... 65% of Americans think that's the case, today.
As for the other issues, I feel that it's not for ME to judge people
on the decisions they make in living their lives -- that's between
them and God, and I have no business in it, period, whether it's a
choice I would make, or not. Likewise, I don't think the government
needs to interject itself into that equation, either, AS LONG as we're
talking about ADULTS who have informed CONSENT. It's THEIR choice how
they conduct themselves. That's the *literal* meaning of FREEDOM...
freedom to even make the wrong choices, if that is how they choose.
I personally think abortion is horrible, but what would be worse (and
history tells us this) is making it illegal. Like alcohol, the only
thing worse than legal alcohol is prohibition -- these well-meaning
interferences in social policy have MANY unintended bad consequences.
I support all efforts to reduce abortion, but that necessarily involves a concerted effort to educate young people about not just abstinence, but also contraception. It's not realistic to think that young people will NOT have sex, and I feel certain you agree with me on this, given our past discussions. In this, as all cases, knowledge is power. I think we also need to open up opportunities for adoption that have not been open, before. It takes FOREVER for a couple to adopt a baby in this country, and that's just wrong. These adoption agencies pretend that "the perfect is not the enemy of the good," while any two idiots with functioning reproductive organs can have a child any time they like, whether they have the resources and potential to raise a child, or not!
I feel sure that legal gay marriage in all 50 states will happen in my
lifetime, because it's a civil rights issue. It's not something I
concern myself with, but I find it impossible to justify denying them
the same rights that anyone else has... inheritance, insurance,
visitation in a hospital, etc. If their existence is a sin, again,
it's between them and God, and not for me or anyone else to pass
judgment, in my opinion. Their ability to marry won't affect me in any
way, whatsoever. I DO know that sexual attraction is not a CHOICE -- I
had no choice in being attracted to women -- it just *was*, and that's
how God made me, I suppose. I can't imagine anyone *choosing* to be
other than heterosexual, as hated and persecuted as homosexuality has
been, throughout history... even through today.
I also feel I stand for what is right -- meaning that I don't advocate
for anyone (especially the government) making decisions for
individuals OTHER THAN the individual, themselves. That's what freedom
means, and it's sometimes scary -- not everyone will decide, properly,
in my mind. But it's not for me to sit in judgment of them. I don't
fear freedom -- I welcome it.
You. Are. Awesome.
Thanks. I love my mom, but she's made it a point since the election to keep e-mailing me these ludicrous screeds about Texan secession, Obama's being the antichrist, etc. I just couldn't ignore it, any longer. She still doesn't agree with me, but she's being more respectful of my vies, at least.
Well put.
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