Sunday, January 10, 2010

Echo FUBAR Open Thread

And on the Seventh Day, Echo rested.

It has been down since about 4:30 a.m. CST, 1/10.

Or, you could try the dirkenator 9000 (which if you haven't, I would recommend!).

UPDATE: The outage seems to be regional, centered in the southeast, AFAICT. Others are reporting no problems.


Bob said...

I am really missing something about this situation. Posts are being put up over *there* as if nothing had happened. The one time I got in this morning (around 8 or so) I saw someone say *some* people were having probs. Then I refreshed and got nada. I don't understand why a notice was not put up.

Dubbya Tee Eff ?

Pen Ultimate said...

I'm guessing none of the guest posters know quite how to react, and/or maybe it's only a regional issue. However, I have tried other sites using Echo, and it's the same for me at each one.

Bob said...

I'm tempted to be really annoyed about they way things are handled there, but I'm probably missing some really big freakin' point.

Pardon the steam coming outta mah earz!

smoke said...

ravens: 24
patriots: 7

Pen Ultimate said...

smoke -- Echo is FUBAR for you, too?

It seems it may be limited to the southeast. Maybe a top-level DNS server is responsible.

Ralphie; said...

Echo is working for me. I use the term lightly, however.

smoke said...

yeah, echo is FUBAR on my end.

smoke said...

it's fixed on my end (for now)

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