Wednesday, February 03, 2010

It's What They Do

But it's not what they do best.

That would be "looking adorable."


Anonymous said...

This is called synchronized napping and is much more difficult that it appears.

Pen Ultimate said...

My concern here was in hoping you didn't mind that I let the boys use your gift. I use it as well, on cold night, to warm the foot of the bed, but L.E. has really taken to it, even when it isn't on. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ha! Dint even register til you mentioned it. Lenore could not be more pleased. It's for all the boys.

Anonymous said...

they are also looking adorable, as well as synchronized sleeping.

strawhat said...

When Frango and Fidelio nap parallel like that they are parallelocats.

Oooooo, geometric, huh?

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