Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Temper Tantrum

Yes, America -- The GOP has decided that since health insurance reform has now passed, they will not allow any of the people's business to be conducted after the first two hours of the Congressional day... including subcommittee hearings about training of Afghan police. Y'know... Country First, an' all that shit, right?

Gosh, I'm sure Americans will appreciate that the GOP only plans to work two hours a day from here on out. It'll leave them plenty of time to campaign, though!

UPDATE: I misunderstood the obscure unanimous consent rule that Senator Burr used to halt yesterday's committee meetings on the hill. The rule actually bars committee meetings from beginning until two hours after the Senate is in session for the day, and must conclude by 2 p.m. ET. However, at least one committee meeting was in progress (presumably started at 9 a.m., and halted at 11 a.m.) Seems the solution to this is to have Harry Reid start the Senate's day at 4 a.m.

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