Friday, December 10, 2010

Night Cuteness

It's the warmest evening in a week, and where are my guys? Snugglin' on the back of the sofa.


StatsGrandma's Office Hours said...

It got up to 78 F today, and Julie and Mikey were snuggling as if it was freezing. Your boys are so cute.

Sad news: the cat that Mlle had to leave behind died of kidney failure two weeks ago. I loved that kitty. So did Mlle.

Pen Ultimate said...

Awww, the li'l meezer? :(

not bluesman said...

Enjoy the heat wave. The kids are lookin fat and happy.

MasterD, damn yankee said...

Happeh kittehs!

Our two are currently ensconced 'neath the xmas tree...

Bob said...

Love them kittehs, yes we do!

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