Sunday, October 14, 2012

Safe, Secure and Loved

I have to sneak up on him, here, while the balcony door is still open. If I've come this far towards the sofa, that's a cue to Curly that I'm headed for the balcony, so he usually jumps down before I can capture his sleepy ass.


Conni said...

He looks like I feel...

Grandmere Poissonniere said...

I love this shot. seems as if he's settling down for a long winter's nap.

Anonymous said...

"Yeah. Lots of lifting in yer gig, for sure.

For me, it's walking in gawdawful heavy shoes, extended crouching and stooping, and being on one's knees."


I never offered congratulations on the job. Congratulations!

If you're literally on your knees, check out gardener's kneeling pads. Google: gardener kneeling pads.

There's nothing to do about the weight of the boots but Superfeet (Green) inserts will help support your feet, which then support the rest of your skeleton.

As for stooping/crouching, see the EZ-Fold step stools. Instead of crouching, you sit.

Don't know if any of these are viable solutions but I share the joint pain you have.

Aleve rocks but some can't tolerate it and it's not healthy long-term. But OMG, does it work.

Good luck. Wishing you all good things.


thurbers said...

Safe, secure and on really comfy couch. Stealing from Bob to say: "Love that Tabbeh!" And that is nothing compared to what he has from his Dad.


Bob said...

I :HEARTS: that couch tabbeh!

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

I am crashing at JP's place. So I can feel safe, secure and loved. Or at least nap on his sofa.

Pen Ultimate said...

My sofa is comfortable, if a bit short for my 5'9" frame. It has innerspring seat cushions!

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