LG G2 (or VS_980_4G as it identifies itself by default). |
I have a check waiting for me in Murfreesboro. It's from the shitheads at Asurion through whom OfficeMax does their replacement insurance plans on stuff. It's just over $200, to cover the replacement of my broken Asus/Google Nexus 7 tablet -- my second, btw. Now, the Nexus 7 is not a defective product -- it's fookin' awesome in every respect. But it is a bit fragile. :) I broke my first one (which I still have, and it works... but sometimes completing the simplest thangs on it requires several orientation changes, due to the cracked display/touchscreen) by dropping it onto a tile floor. I put it under my arm to take a piss, and the rest is obvious. The second (covered by Asurion!), I broke when I put it in my back pocket while moving, and bent down to retrieve a LarryElvis who had jumped out of my arms. *CRACK!* Yeah, that was three months ago, telling you how committed to customer satisfaction those fuckeyes at Asurion are!
The point is, the Nexus 7, as a concept, is deceptively-sized. It's small enough to fit in many back pockets, but otherwise too big to hold onto in one hand all the damned time. What I needed was a smaller tablet or a phone that could be a WiFi-only tablet with a kickass camera, Bluetooth capability and decent storage space. Something I could put in a
front pocket with little worry of breakage. The LG G2 fits these needs.
"I am not an animal phone!" |
It boasts a 13MP camera, which is more than enough for cat pixels and oddly-placed backflow assemblies' serial number confirmations, which is damned handy for me. At work, we recently has a visit with a fellow from corporate IT named Chul, who lived for a time in the Nashville area. Chul though for the additional $80/month it would cost, combined, for me & my boss to upgrade to serious kickass smartphones from our current crappy flip phones made perfect sense. There are too many instances where photographic documentation, ability to edit MS-Word documents (like our inspection form!), GPS live turn-by-turn navigation and whatnot would end up saving the company a shit-ton more than the cost of getting contracts on these phones. So, that may happen. But this company said we badly needed a PC replacement
two years ago, and still we wait. So, nice words are nice words.
Chul mentioned that we have a policy for BYOD -- that is, "Bring Your Own Device," where employees can receive a stipend on approved devices/data plans, using their own tablets/phones. The G2 is one of those approved & supported devices. :) Another deciding factor.
So, I still have to get all the drivers an' shit straight -- as of now, I still can't Bluetooth files back and forth from my PC, but I'll keep working on it.
So you didn't wait for dmark ;). Did you pick up the check?
And it has no sim card - why not?
But a lovely birthday present! I'm sure you'll enjoy it
I'd still buy dmark's G3 for a backup, absolutely. One of the best phones out there!
I asked the kid to take his SIM card. That was his. I'll get one if I ever activate it as a phone, which unless ST wants to do that, I don't plan on doing. I can use my Clear 4G puck for access.
Hi Jeffraham,
We're Asurion and we'd like to learn more about the unfortunate experience you've had with your claim. If you wouldn't mind sending us an email at help@asurion.com with details of what happened, we'd appreciate it. We can always use a learning experience. Thank you!
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