Sunday, March 19, 2006


I'm overwhelmed by everyone's responses and support. The landlord has a check-in-hand, and isn't asking me to leave, so you -- yes, you -- have averted this crisis.

I'm purposely trying to stay away from the 'puter today, so I can get my Monday morning gameplan together (with a head full of cotton wool, that's not so easy), but I hope y'all understand how grateful I am, and I do hope to e-mail each and every one of you in coming weeks with my personal thanks.

I ♥ you all. And tonight, I leave you with a photo of the one thing I still know I can do well.



Anonymous said...

Jeffraham--and remember, friends are never a burden.

I know you'd do the same for me.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it, JP.


Anonymous said...

Is your e-mail address correct? I just had one bounced back.

Anonymous said...

Great news!

Anonymous said...

Curly loves to be loved! Thinking good thoughts for you both!

Anonymous said...

Just got around to reading this...check will be in the mail tonight.

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