Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Home Today

My pre-paid phone (which you paid for, and will help me in the job search) is supposed to arrive today, and I didn't want UPS to fail to leave it, as they'll likely want a signature. So I've spent most of the morning catching up on e-mails, and personally thanking all of you who forestalled my impending homelessness for at least another 60 days. I'm sorry it's taken so long, folx -- but between the day-long bus trips and the neighbor's reluctance to leave his condo, I've been lucky to get in an hour a day, online for the past week or so. Thank you for your patience, and of course, for your overwhelming generosity.

And, of course, there is Curly (here, sunning himself on the balcony, which now gets several hours of morning sun!):


1 comment :

Anonymous said...

except that you say that it's your cat presumably on your deck, I'd swear you've stolen a picture of my cat to put up on your blog.

Unbelievable how much they look alike. My guy is called Angel (but he's not at all.) My daughter named him.

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