Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Yes, We Have No Bananas

... but always. +3h Curly, have we! Here, we have Curly, staring intently at the end of the ridiculously long nylon braided cord thingy, trying to plan his next pouncing session.


Anonymous said...

Curly--you know Auntie Sally loves you, don't you?

Anonymous said...

Curly...watch the mail! Something special is coming your way!

Pen Ultimate said...


Yes, Curly loves you, too. If you were here, he'd bite you, himself, but he's willing to farm that out to Mikey. :)

pg -- Hi! Yes, I know -- I am far behind on e-mails and commenting, here (although I'm caught up on all but a tiny handful of thank-yous via e-mail; I took some time last night and this morning to contact most everyone).

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