Wednesday, March 15, 2006

PSA To Busy Americans

Re: The NSA scandal.

It's NOT about whether we should spy on suspected terrorists. It never has been about whether we should spy on suspected terrorists -- we should, and we do.

It IS about spying, though. Doing so

Do you know why that's important?

Because, the one and only law that covers this type of spying ensures that there is oversight -- judicial oversight. That's important so we don't have an Executive branch that decides it's okay to spy on political rivals, journalists and activists, without challenge.

We used to have such an Executive, and that one and only law, FISA, was enacted precisely because of that chapter in our recent history.

Why else is it important to conduct spying in a legal manner? Well, as many are learning, regarding the Z. Moussaoui sentencing, when law enforcement officials don't follow the law themselves, judges often discard evidence and testimony that may have otherwise led to a prosecutorial victory.

Now, think about that, for a minute.

Then, count up the actual number of terrorism convictions our Department of Justice has racked up since September 11, 2001.

The only thing we, as a people have to decide about the NSA scandal, is this: Are we a nation of laws, or of men?

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