Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Shot In The Face!

... and you're to blame
You give flash photography a bad name!


Anonymous said...

Curly has some of the snarkiest expressions! Does he resent getting his picture taken?

Anonymous said...

Duh! Just reread your post and that's pretty much what you were implying!

Pen Ultimate said...

Sandy-LA 90034 -- I think it annoys him, somewhat, because of the flash. The camera I have has a red-eye reduction feature, so when you half-depress the shutter, it does its auto-focus thang, and an orange light shines out in front of the cam -- so Curly knows when he sees this, the flash is coming. At that point, he squints a bit, and gets that "oh no, not again!" look on his face. ;)

Anonymous said...

That's the look -- "oh no, not again!"

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