Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Sunny Sunday

... presented on Tuesday. :)

Heads down, replying to e-mails today.


Anonymous said...

Make sure YOU get a bit of sun, too... you need it as much as Curly...

Anonymous said...

Hey, Jeffraham! I just saw your comment on Eschaton about giving Curly tomato sauce and laughed out loud. It looks like Curly has a soul brother. Nero just adores tomato sauce! :)

I hope you are getting better.

Pen Ultimate said...

pg -- I've been getting out. It's been nice here in Gnashvegas, the last couple of days. Mid- to high-60F range. Haven't done the day-long bus trip downtown since Monday, but will probably hop on it tomorrow.

interrobang -- Heh! Amazingly, that's the only "human food" Curly has ever shown the slightest interest in eating. Eggs, ham, turkey, tuna -- he just sniffs and walks away. However, he'll clean a plate that's had spaghetti on it.

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