Monday, August 07, 2006

If I Keep Doing This

... to Curly, he's going to kill me in my sleep.


Anonymous said...

Tell Curly you have to do it--his fans demand it. It's the price he pays for being a celebrity. (I accidentally typed "paws" instead of pays. Ha.)

Pen Ultimate said...

pg -- All thing being equal, Curly does seem to understand that he is a cat, and doesn't seem too worried about sleeping whenever (and wherever) he likes. On days like today, where it's hell-hot, he tends to like to find a nice, dark, cool place and sleep the majority of the daylight hours away. Or, he's sleeping on my feet (which aren't that cool!). :)

Anonymous said...

That "sleeping on the feet" thing is pretty weird! Cats must have some different inner thermostat -- even my cats (when alive) would sleep curled together in the hottest weather.

Glad to see you posting more frequently, Jeff.

Hope things are going well. Pat Curly for me!

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