Ivy and I have sucked-up. I mean, made up. Whateveh! Of course, I certainly was never pissed off. Who didn't know that? See, unbeknownst to Gnashvegas, a/k/a Twangtown, USA... Ivy and I had this worked out in September. You craven little rats with no social lives scrabbled deeply into our maze, lookin' for that cheese, didn't ya? We're gonna have a slap fight every so often, just to sell ads. Blog Sweeps Week, biotches! BANK IT!
Y'like puzzles? Think puzzles suck?
The puzzle:
Jeff changed the oil in his primary vehicle, today -- a recently-made Chinese rocketscooter with warp sled capability*. The following steps were taken:
• Drain plug located, and measured for socket fit (17mm);
• To-be-discarded clean plastic margarine container (32 oz.) procured an positioned, to catch recyclable oil;
• Fill cap fully loosened, to assure ambient air pressure assist for drainage;
• Socket wrench applied, and the oil did flow...
With minimal spillage (and a right hand, covered with petrospooge), all is going To Plan. Then, the thinkbone lights up: "Hey, dumbass? You have a funnel? You see where the fill cap/neck is, right?" I look, again. It's sticking out at a 45° angle to level, and is about 3cm from that cherry-hot exhaust manifold, made hot by the manual's recommendation that the oil drain only "... be unloosened after scooter is made to travel under might a kilometer or more" -- FSM, this freakin' manual is comedy GOLD).
What, pray tell, did Mr. Alternate-Transportation-Guy-Who's-Resourceful-&-Pisses-People-Off do?
* Okay, I made that shit up about the warp sled.
Xan -- Excellent guess, and one of my first thoughts, but no! No strict plane-to-conical constructions occurred, tht would not normally occur if the product were in normal use.
left rev. -- Those plastics? Too rigid. Think "piece of cake."
whoo hoo, come ON blogger sweeps week!
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