Saturday, June 09, 2007

Siamese Caturday

He's in mah chair, messin' with mah buttspace. He's pining for the balcony.

Why are you in the floor, Dad?


Anonymous said...

That kitty sure has purty eyes these days.....

Anonymous said...

Awwwww. Sweet boy. I love that "But I just want to go out, Daddy, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?" expression they get. HarryCat got to go outside in the dark last night (w00t w00t teh DARK) because Mommy worked from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. and felt guilty for not letting him get breakfast or supper outdoor time. But it was a lovely evening for all on the patio.

Here's hoping you all can have a couple of lovely evenings this weekend. You certainly deserve them. Everybody snuggle!! Kisses to all you boyz.

Anonymous said...

P.S. -- Feel better, dude. I've been in your position (literally). Ow.

Pen Ultimate said...

GWPDA -- That's part of that Siamese charm. :)

grandefille -- Thanks! The back is about 95% better than it was yesterday morning. Laying on my back, in bed or on the floor, with my knees bent much of the day yesterday was a big help (as I knew it would be).

Anonymous said...

Glad your back's better! There's not much that stinks worse than a sore back. I'm sure the kitties have been properly sympathetic, lying on your stomach, deeply concerned.

/strawhat, anonymously

Plum Pudding said...

Take care Jeffraham!

Plum Pudding said...

oh, and LE is soooooo pretty!

shrimplate said...

Ah, he has very pretty eyes, but can he do the fandango?!

Anonymous said...

Awww, I loves me some baby boo eyezees!

Anonymous said...

What a good boy!!!

Backs suck. You should be able to rip out yer old spine and get a new one, least that's the way it would be if I ran stuff.

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