Monday, December 29, 2008

Ye Olde Photos

When dinosaurs walked the Earth... thanks, Mom!

My sister, Debbie, and me on Mamaw's (Mom's mom) lap. Thanksgiving, Louisa, Kentucky. President Kennedy had just been shot days before.

Sister Debbie, me (in stroller) and Debbie's friend, Libby (who grew up just up the street, babysat me a few years later, and was a complete young fox!).

Mom and me, first family vacation since I was born, Myrtle Beach, SC. Some of my earliest memories. I'd just turned three.

Happy 4th Birthday, Jeff!

When I was a kid (around this time), I recall clearly hoping that I would grow up and get a job pushing buttons, like Mr. Spock. My entire life is now filled with button-presses and keystrokes, from wake to sleep.

I wonder if I made a wish, long forgotten now, on this day. 7/21/1969. Yes, that day.

I'm the one in the stylish sleeveless green v-neck and plaid shorts (thanks again, Mom!).



Ali said...


Anonymous said...

You're so cute! And on a scooter even then....

Anonymous said...

What a doll. I especially like the birthday picture.

chez bez said...

Destiny! Always with the scooters!

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