Saturday, December 26, 2009

Bad Ads

Of course, the side-effects are massive swelling in the hands, leading to freakishly large fists.


Missouri Bird said...

I think he means to say "I got ripped off."

Karin said...

Is this your Boxing Day post?

Unknown said...

Wow, it's Jim Kirk just after he got that bad injection reaction!

Pen Ultimate said...


Trek Babies, yes!

"I wonder what would happen if I took this supplement that moved all the fluid from my torso and arms into my hands?"

Anonymous said...

ah, this must be the male version of the "don't waste your money on bleaching, I found a free way to get white teeth" ad that shows up on every farking blog I visit.

Anonymous said...

Hulk Smash!


Bob said...

Ummm, I think Big Blue is dayad. Can we hang out here???

Pen Ultimate said...

Bob and Lenore -- Sure! But no one else will follow. I've asked on Twitter for someone to give the all-clear if haloscan't ever revives.

Bob said...

It ain't fair! We been given da bum's rush.

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