Sunday, December 27, 2009

Open Thread: It's Dead, Jim

Feel free to chat, here.

8 comments : said...

Well, good riddance. The only thing I will miss is being able to type "Haloscan sucks" all the time.

Pen Ultimate said...

UPDATE: Comment moderation temporarily turned off. :)

Anonymous said...


Capt. James T. Quirk said...

We'll be glad when yer dead you rascal you!

Meander said...

As crappy as Haloscan was, it was text-based, simple, and FAST. But it sure wasn't sexy enough to devote any additional development time, support time, or server time for it.

This new Echo is much with teh social networking sexay. (Read as: utterly unnecessary connectivity bullshit, slowing things down.)

dave™© said...

Here lies Haloscan... WHEN SHALL COME ANOTHER!?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Problem is - Echo has no troll controls.

Like killfile and bensonmum.

I really liked bensonmum.

sdf (Stu) said...

Shurr it sucked, but it waz our sucked. Echo world is teh frightening and confusing.

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