Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy Birthday, Plum P!

This is also the third anniversary of LarryElvis joining Team Curly (and the above photo is the first one I ever took of him, in kitty jail). Some quick links to the days festivities:

Meeting LarryElvis
He's Home!
Video of L.E. in Dad's Face
Curly's Reaction

: Live stream to plum p's radio show (m3u), from 8:30-??, tonight.


Anonymous said...

Wow, did that kitteh ever find a good home!
Happiness to all!

Plum Pudding said...


you remembered! You're so sweet Jeffaham! You made me blush! 43 today and the warranty on my body is starting to wear off...what a drag it is getting old, like the Rolling Stone once sang. And that old pic of LE is the best gift ever! (he was so tiny!)

Merci beaucoup!!!

happy holidays to all

Pen Ultimate said...

I cheated -- now whenever someone mentions a b-day, I put it on my Google Calendar. :)

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