Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Santa Has Landed!

stuckinlodi sent me a lovely washable woolen blanket from L.L. Bean!

Soprano dropped off cookies (apparently this morning, while I was sleeping), the Brothers Wells sent an Xmas card (w/a Gary Cooper stamp), as did Missouri Bird and GWPDA, and Camel gave me a free tin of Snus!

Someone also sent me a slew of Super Hot Hands (thermo-chemical hand warmers that last 18 hours!), but I don't know who did that... the packing slip lists a Miami address from a name I do not recognize, but it also says that I received a Power Rangers Jungle Fury Master Jaguar Ranger -- Blue/White. :)


Plum Pudding said...

damn, i forgot to send you a card.

l'année prochaine!

xan said...

And I still owe you a pipe, dammit. It's all boxed up and ready to go and as soon as I find, not very organized here...well anyway, it will arrive. Picture it among the gift pile somewhere.

Damn glad you got that blanket anyway. Cheers and merry Xmas and all, dear neighbor. :)

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