Monday, February 15, 2010

No Love Being Lost

Just to tide y'all over, while Echo gets its shit back together (well, as well as it possibly can, of course).

All hail dirk gently!

UPDATE: For you Mac people having scrolling issues (known issue, and not much dirk can do about it at the moment... and sorry, but I'm tired of having to answer this every 3-4 comments!), you can try the text-only version.

For the otherwise curious, here's how you find out the text-only version of a post's comments, manually (I suspect dirk might add this as a link inside the Flash version at some point, as it does make it possible to copy text out of the previously-made comments):

* Open the Flash version by clicking on the link. The URL in the address window will have a long number at the end.

* Copy that long number, and paste it at the end of this URL:

Of course, that only works for MY blogs (see the "jprestonian"?); you'd have to swap out the username AND the ID number at anyone else's blog that uses Forty, Too. Also. All of 'em!

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