Well, that's so nice of you to suddenly become concerned, Asurion. Really, I'm touched! Allow me to make a somewhat different proposal.
I'd be more than happy to write up a detailed report of your immense shortfalls in this matter. I can't do that for you, for free... after all, you've asked me in this comment for a consultation to improve your customer service, ostensibly, and it would take many ADDITIONAL hours of my time (by which I mean the wasted, uncompensated hours I've spent since March, '14, chasing down this claim) to repeat what your CRM software should, by all rights, have assembled for you a good summary of precisely what occurred.
If you would like my consultation, I offer it at $500/hour. You may reply to this e-mail address (sent 6/25/2014) with any response.
UPDATE: E-mail bounced. Takin' it to the streets.
[...]Delivered-To: j****@***.comReceived: by with SMTP id o4csp269226wem;Wed, 25 Jun 2014 21:27:02 -0700 (PDT)
[...]----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----(reason: 554 5.4.6 Too many hops)
(much SMTP bilge deleted now -- point made)
UPDATE 6/28/14: Nice to see I have their attention, every day. Even Saturday!
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