Monday, August 06, 2007

Kill Me, Now

After a two-hour wait at the Tennessee Department of Safety, I discover I cannot reinstate my driver's license because I cannot provide proof of citizenship. That's right -- it's entirely possible that I have become a non-citizen in the intervening years between moving here from Kentucky, y'know.

The grand adventure's cost so far? $1464 (counting lost wages).

Ordering duplicate birth certificate online, now. Dammit, Jim.


chez bez said...

You have no proof of citizenship? I'm trusting you less and less.

Pen Ultimate said...

chez béz -- Mom's got the birth certificate. I have a duplicate, but it would likely take me longer to locate it than to simply order another (putting the total for this entire goatscrew, thusfar, @ $1499.50).

If only I could have had a warrant issued for my arrest, I might have gotten out of all this without paying a dime.

Plum Pudding said...

Canada will take you, JP, if you need a decent country to live in

Pen Ultimate said...

Plum Pudding -- No, they won't. I have no degree!

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